Calories For Weight Loss

The first thing you need to know about Calories For Weight Loss is that a calorie is not just a calorie and secondly you should check out this Testoprime review for a better understanding of how this supplement can help you with weight loss. The destination of a calorie will depend on what Macro Nutrient you consume such as Protein, Carbohydrates, or Fats, and what type of state your body is in Catabolic or Anabolic.

Most people believe if you lower the calories for weight loss, you will burn fat. And if you raise your calories, you will store fat. Well, this is true to some degree. However, there are many different things that you must understand for this to work.

There are 3 different variables you need to understand about calories for weight loss…

  • Correct Intake of Calories Consumed for Optimal Fat loss
  • Correct Ratio of Macro Nutrients
  • Correct Type of Training.

Correct Intake of Calories For Weight Loss

The correct intake of calories for weight loss is a tricky task to master. If you consume too many calories, you will have a caloric surplus which will have you storing calories as fat instead of burning them. If you do not consume enough calories, your body will go into survival mode and start storing all its incoming calories as fat.

That’s the tricky part, finding the right amount of calories that will be low enough so that you are in a caloric deficit and are burning fat but not too low where your body goes into survival mode and stores all its calories as fat.

When you do find the correct amount of calories for weight loss, your body will tap into its excess fat stores for fuel. Over time, your body will continue to use the stored fat as fuel and you will start to see fat loss results. But you need to understand, results will not come overnight. You need to be patient and consistent with your diet and exercise training to see results.

Calories For Weight Loss Correct Ratio of Macro Nutrients

Calories for weight loss are based on the right ratio of macronutrients. You can actually control where the calories are stored or used by the type of food you eat.

For fat loss, eat plenty of protein and fiber. Both of these nutrients will keep you full for a long time. The protein will help in maintaining your muscle mass and the fiber that comes from fruits and vegetables has plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Carbohydrates are great to consume around your workouts. The body will be in the best possible position to store the carbohydrates as glycogen or used as instant fuel. Make sure you watch the total grams per serving of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are found in a lot of foods and can easily get away from you if you don’t pay attention to the amount you are consuming in each meal.

Healthy fats like Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fats should be consumed in very small amounts throughout the day.

Make sure you stay away from foods that are high in carbohydrates and fat. Especially when the protein and fiber are low. The combination of carbohydrates and fats in high amounts will be stored immediately as fat.

Calories For Weight Loss Correct Type of Training

The calories for weight loss are greatly enhanced when you do the right type of training. The destination of calories is determined by what state your body is in, Catabolic or Anabolic.

When you weight train, the calories that you consume before and after your workout will be used as energy and stored in the muscle instead of fat. Weight training helps maintain your muscle mass which helps in keeping your metabolism high. The higher your metabolism, the more calories you will burn throughout the day.

One type of exercise you should stay away from is long-distance cardio. Long hours of cardiovascular exercise are good for the heart but it is not good for maintaining your muscle mass. You will burn muscle tissue along with fat when you do long hours of cardiovascular exercise.

Calories For Weight Loss and High-Intensity Training

So, in order to maximize your calories for weight loss with the best type of training, I recommend performing short durations exercises that are high intensity.

Some high-intensity exercises that will burn calories for weight loss include…

  • Sprints
  • High-Intensity Interval Training – HIIT
  • Circuit training with cardio using weights.
  • Calories For Weight Loss Final Thought

One final note about calories for weight loss is that a calorie is not a calorie. The choices you make within your diet will ultimately determine if you Burn Fat or Gain Fat. It’s not so much the quantity of calories but the quality.

For example, a donut has the same amount of calories as a chicken breast. But, the hormonal response will be different once consumed. The donut because of the high ratio of fat and carbohydrate will be stored as fat first and will not be fulfilling. The chicken breast will fill you up quicker and will be used for many different functions within the body other than fat storage.