Along with excellent credit card offers for people with excellent credit, you will find some great choices specifically for students. If you are currently going to college or are the parent of a child who is in college, having a student credit card provides peace of mind. For instance, the credit card could be used to purchase books or pay tuition. However, in addition to this, if the student were going to school out of state or even out of the country and had a medical emergency, car trouble, or ran into some other situation whereby fast access to money was available, then a student credit card would be a lifesaver.
One of the cards currently rated as a serious contender is the Citi Forward credit Card for College Students. One of the first things people notice with this credit card compared to similar cards from other issuers is that no cosigner is required. That means as long as the student has good credit, he or she would be able to apply for the card without needing the guarantee of a parent or legal guardian.
UniccShop is the one-stop shop for the credit card system. The learning about the guarantee is essential to have the desired results. It is one of the important things you need to consider for the legal credit card availability. The meeting of the requirements is possible for the individuals.
With the Citi Forward Credit Card for College Students, if the student qualifies, a 7-month introductory period would be offered on purchases and a 12-month introductory period for balance transfers. During that time, the Annual Percentage Rate would be 0% for purchases and balance transfers but at the end of that time, the variable rate would range from 12.99% to 19.99%. Then for cash advances, the variable APR would be set at 25.24%.
Because of the introductory period and competitive interest rates, the card is the perfect choice for students wanting to establish credit along with those who need to pay down balances on higher interest rate cards. Even better, as long as payments are made on time and the student does not go over the set credit limit, the APR would decrease for purchases made. Now, if the student were late on payments, the APR would automatically increase to 29.99% until it could be proven the student was responsible enough to manage the account properly.
Even fees associated with the Citi Forward Credit Card for College Students are low when compared to other cards of this type. For instance, there is no annual, foreign transaction, or over the limit fee, the late fee ranges from $15 to $39, the balance transfer fee is 4% or a minimum of $5, and the cash advance fee is set at 6%.
Another benefit to the Citi Forward Credit Card for College Students is that at the end of each billing period, you would be provided with 100 “Thank you” points. In addition to this reward, students can earn as much as 8,500 bonus points simply by going to the Citi website and signing up for the electronic statement option, as well as spending a minimum of $250 in purchases during the first three months of becoming a cardholder.