Diet, Fitness and Weight Loss

I am regularly asked what is the best way to lose weight or what is the easiest diet. My response is always the same. I believe in a general weight loss program that consists of eating healthy food, regular physical exercise, and natural nutritional vitamin supplements from brands like Biofit. This is purposely not very specific because we all can tailor our weight loss program to our specific taste, health, physical activity level, and lifestyle. We do not have to be confined to one programmed eating habit or another. But for success in losing weight and just being healthy, I would suggest these simple tips in your diet.

Avoid Sugar.

Sugar, artificial sweeteners, high fructose syrup, or any processed sugar substitute by any name can be detrimental to your health and weight loss program. The natural sugar found in fruit and vegetables is good for you and provides all the energy we need. The problem is that we eat too many unnatural foods, that require sweetening. We have been used to eating processed sugar and therefore our body craves it like a drug that we are addicted to. Avoid sugar and its substitutes like the addictive drug that they are. They will destroy your body and are the main reason for obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and countless diseases in our society today. Instead, eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink plenty of water.

Avoid Processed Foods.

We need to eat whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, beans, and natural herbs and spices. We must avoid processed foods like white rice, white pasta, white bread, processed meats, processed (pasteurized) dairy, processed fish, can foods, etc. Processing strips the natural vitamins and minerals from the food. Quite often it will be labeled enriched because man tries to replace the nutrients after they have taken them out. It does not work. The processed foods convert into a form of sugar that is not good for our bodies. Processed meats and fish have chemical additives that can cause so many problems to our health that we need to just avoid them. Even fruit and vegetables that are not organic can have herbicides and pesticides that can kill us.

Eat Fresh Fruit and Vegetables.

It is not necessary to become vegetarians or vegans unless that is your personal preference. But, we were made to eat a diet of primarily fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans with natural herbs and spices as our preventive medicines. Make lean meat and fish no more than 10% of your daily calories. With 70% of the food, you eat fruit and vegetables and balance whole grains, nuts, and beans. You will be healthy, lose weight and keep it off.

Drink Water.

Our healthy weight loss program must include us drinking 8 or more 8-ounce glasses of water every day. replace soda with water. program yourself to drink a glass of water when you wake up and at specific intervals throughout the day. Your body will love you for it. You will be healthier and lose weight.

So the easiest diet is to:

Eat fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans Avoid Processed Foods Avoid Sugar Drink Plenty of Water

No matter how technical you get if you simply focus on these 4 points then you have a healthy diet. The easiest diet.